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Java is versatile as it can be used for a large number of things, including Software Development, Mobile Applications, and Large Systems Development, with the current statistics of it owning 88% market share as Mobile OS Android, putting it in the forefront. Oxford Software Institute, tapping its worth in the IT industry, provides the best classes in Java in Delhi. Through this course, we will provide the students a thorough understanding of the Java language and its role in the Object-Oriented World. If you are looking for the best Java institute near me in Delhi that can provide you with online or face-to-face Java classes, visit Oxford Software Institute today.

Introduction of Java

This session will focus on History and Features of Java, Java Development Kit, Coding and Compiling through command prompt and NetBeans, Classes, Anatomy of Methods, Keywords, Data Types, Variables, Primitive / Abstract / Derived Data Types, Operators, Operator Precedence; Control Flow Statements like If-else and Switch Statement, Looping with For, While, Do…While, Break and Continue Statement, Arrays, Array of Object References, Accessing Arrays, Manipulating Arrays.

Java OOP Concepts

In this session, we will focus on Classes and Objects, Defining A Class, Defining Instance Variables And Methods, Creating Object, Access Modifiers, Method calls via Object References, Constructors, Inheritance, extends and implements keywords in Java, Abstraction, Interfaces, Abstract and non-Abstract methods, Super class and Sub class, this keyword, super keyword, final in Java, Static variables and methods, Polymorphism, Overloading and Overriding of methods, Encapsulation, Java Bean, POJO, Getters/Setters, Memory management in Java, Heap, Stack, Package, Import statement and much more.

String, Exceptions and File Handling

We will cover extensively the topic Strings, Immutability in Strings, String Creation on heap and constant pool, Method APIs on String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer, Splitting of Strings and StringTokenizer class, Exceptions - try, catch, finally, throw, throws, Rules for coding Exceptions, Declaring Exceptions, Defining and Throwing Exceptions, Errors and Runtime Exceptions, Custom Exception, Assertions, Enabling and disabling assertions in development environment, stream, Bytes vs. Characters, Java IO API, Reading and Writing to a file with APIs, Reading User input, PrintWriter Class and much more.

Multithreading, Collections and Serialization

We will cover advance topics like Non-Threaded Applications and Threaded Applications, Multitasking – Process and Threaded, Creating Threads, States and Synchronization of threads, Concept of object and class locks, Coordination between threads, Inter-Thread Communication, Collections Framework, Collections API, Set, List, Map and Queue Interfaces and their implementation, Utility classes, Sorting collection, Primitive wrapper classes, Generics for Collections, Object Serialization, Serializable Interface, Serialization API, ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutput, readObject and writeObject.

Java Applets, Swing GUI and JDBC

We will cover Applets, Event Handlers, Mouse and Click Events, AWT, Swing GUI, Advantages of Swing over AWT, Swing API, Swing GUI Components, Event Handlers, Sample Calculator application using Swing GUI and Swing Event handling, Introduction to JDBC, JDBC features and Architecture, java.sql package, Setting Up a Database and Creating a Schema, Writing JDBC code to connect to DB, Connection, Statement, ResultSet, Rowset, Prepared Statement, Batch Updates, ResultSetMetaData, Simple Transaction Management and their pros & cons, Features of JDBC 3.0, CRUD Operations with JDBC and much more

Soft Skills

Having a technical and discipline-specific expertise can help you get to the interview room but it’s the soft skills that will make the hiring manager hand you the appointment letter. In this course, students will also learn various Soft Skills like how to communicate professionally in English, Speaking in public without hesitation, using effective gestures and postures to appear impressive, managing stress and emotions and taking successful interviews. Oxford Software Institute provides the best classes in Soft-skill training.


During this course, students will be trained for the following certifications

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