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This certification from Oxford Software Institute will impart the basic to advanced Python skills, ranging from running scripts to more advanced features such as File Operations, Database Handling, Exception Handling, Tuples and Array Slices. Python is a widely used dynamic programming language compared to other languages such as Java, Perl, PHP, and Ruby. If you are looking for a Python course with a job opportunity in Delhi, Oxford Software Institute will fit the bill.

Introduction to Python

In this module, we will learn about Python Programming fundamentals, the History and versions of Python, Coding using an IDE, description of first Python Program, the Python keywords, Variables, Operators and Datatypes, Comments and indentation, Input and Output, Type Conversions, the type() function and “is” operator, Handling numeric and textual data, Flow Control Statements like if-else, Loops like while, for, continue and break statements, expressions and much more.

Python Function, Module, String and Collections

We will learn about handling Functions, return types, Commonly Used Modules, Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Command Line Arguments, *args and **kwargs, Recursion, Dates and Time, Defining and Using Modules, Basic String Operations like accessing characters in String by Index Number, String Slicing and Joining, String, Built-in collections like Lists, Tuples and Sets, Built-in function used on Dictionaries, Relation between Tuples and Lists, Relation between Tuples and Dictionary, using zip () Function, Sets, Set Methods, Traversing of Sets

File, Exception Handling, Regular Expression and Database Connectivity

We will discuss topics like File I/O, Types of Files, handling Text Data, File Methods to Read and Write Data, handling Binary and CSV files, the Pickle Module, Reading and Writing CSV Files, Python OS, Catching Exceptions Using try and except statement, handling a single and multiple exceptions, regular Expression Operations, using Special Characters, regular Expression Methods, Named Groups in Python Regular Expressions, Regular Expression with glob Module, RDBMS, SQL, Using SQLite Manager, Python with a database, Event handling with GUI, working with components.

Python Object Oriented Programming

Students will learn about OOPs, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Classes and objects, Types of variables, Types of methods – Instance Methods, Class Method, Static Method, Access modifiers – private, protected, public, ‘self’ reference variable, Constructor, Classes with Multiple Objects, Class Attributes versus Data Attributes, Types of inheritance-single, multi-level, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid and Diamond inheritance, Polymorphism, Method Overriding and Method Overloading, difference between Abstraction & Encapsulation and much more

Soft Skills

Having a technical and discipline-specific expertise can help you get to the interview room but it’s the soft skills that will make the hiring manager hand you the appointment letter. In this course, students will also learn various Soft Skills like how to communicate professionally in English, Speaking in public without hesitation, using effective gestures and postures to appear impressive, managing stress and emotions and taking successful interviews. Oxford Software Institute provides the best classes in Soft-skill training.


During this course, students will be trained for the following certifications

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